#Samsung #UA65NU7100 #Inch #Smart #Flat #65NU7100 #2018 Samsung UA65NU7100 65 Inch UHD 4K Smart Flat LED TV 65NU7100 2018 NEW ua65nu7100, ua65nu7100jxzk, ua65nu7100kxxa, ua65nu7100kxxm, ua65nu7100sxnz, ua65nu7100wxxy
*Pengiriman Sebagian Besar Menggunakan Kurir Pribadi Permata Elektronik
*Jangka Waktu Pengiriman 1-3 Hari Kerja (Senin - Sabtu) Jam 12-6
*Untuk Pengiriman TV 32 Inch dan di bawahnya atau barang2 kecil lainnya seperti MICROWAVE, Vacuum Cleaner dll, disarankan pakai GOJEK 100% AMAN
*Pengiriman Barang di luar JABODETABEK, Harap Konfirmasi Terlebih dahulu
*Sebagian Besar Free Ongkir Bisa dilihat dari input KILOGRAM barang, hanya 1KG, 9rb Rupiah (Karna di Sistem harus input berat barang yang minimal yaitu 1 kg)
*Khusus Toko kami, Kami berikan Garansi TOKO yaitu 7 Hari kerja untuk tukar BARU (jika ada kerusakan sistem seperti mati suara, tv tidak menyala, input tidak berfungsi, dsb)
*Kami menjamin barang yang kami jual lebih MURAH di banding yang lain, ketemu yang lebih murah dari kami? MOHON LAPOR!
*Fast Respon
Top features:
- Ultra HD gives you stunning picture quality
- Samsung TVPlus delivers a world of entertainment
- Play games, listen to music and more
Pure Color:
Enjoy millions of shades of color, fine tuned to create an incredibly vibrant picture
Motion Rate 120: Smooth action on fast-moving content
HDR: View stunning high dynamic range content with a TV designed to support HDR10+
Slim Design: An elegant slim design for a modern look you'''ll admire
Smart TV: Access your streaming services all in one place using the Samsung Remote Control
keywords: ua65nu7100, ua65nu7100jxzk, ua65nu7100kxxa, ua65nu7100kxxm, ua65nu7100sxnz, ua65nu7100wxxy 650 area code, 651 area code, 651 vinyl, 65 inch tv, 65 inches to feet, 65 kg to lbs, 657 area code, 65 mustang, 650 area code location, 65uk6090pua, 65 tv, 65mm in inches
Enjoy millions of shades of color, fine tuned to create an incredibly vibrant picture
Motion Rate 120: Smooth action on fast-moving content
HDR: View stunning high dynamic range content with a TV designed to support HDR10+
Slim Design: An elegant slim design for a modern look you'''ll admire
Smart TV: Access your streaming services all in one place using the Samsung Remote Control
Harga : Rp. 15.795.000
Tags : samsung, samsung tv, samsung phones, samsung galaxy s9, samsung account, samsung cloud, samsung watch, samsung note 9, samsung s9, samsung galaxy s8, samsung support, samsung tablets

keywords: ua65nu7100, ua65nu7100jxzk, ua65nu7100kxxa, ua65nu7100kxxm, ua65nu7100sxnz, ua65nu7100wxxy 650 area code, 651 area code, 651 vinyl, 65 inch tv, 65 inches to feet, 65 kg to lbs, 657 area code, 65 mustang, 650 area code location, 65uk6090pua, 65 tv, 65mm in inches